Crysis 3 Cell HQ - Red Star Rising

Crysis 3 Cell HQ - Red Star Rising Exterior 01

Crysis 3 Cell HQ - Red Star Rising Exterior 01

Crysis 3 Cell HQ - Red Star Rising Exterior 02

Crysis 3 Cell HQ - Red Star Rising Exterior 02

Crysis 3 Cell HQ - Red Star Rising Interior 01

Crysis 3 Cell HQ - Red Star Rising Interior 01

Crysis 3 Cell HQ for the level Red Star Rising. I did the geometry, most of the textures and the material setup. Lighting, vegetation, furniture, game play props and characters are made by colleagues. The Cell HQ is modul based. Most of the Textures are reused from other assets we created for the game. Especially Thanks to Armin Chaudhry working on the level as well and helped out on some of the screenshots.